"Four Favorites Petite" four half pounds 16oz TERI'S LOS GATOS BLEND - Java, Sumatra & Dark French 16oz. HOUSE BLEND - Espresso & Mocha-Java 16oz. PALO ALTO BLEND - Mocha-Java & French Roast GIFT CARD - 10% OFF DEAL"Four Favorites Delux" four-pound gift box "Roasters Coffee Trio Petite" 3 half pounds1/4 lb ORGANIC Peppermint Herbal Tisane1/4 lb. Fruit Basket Tisane1/4 lb. ORGANIC Assam Black Tea T.G.F.O.P. 1/4 lb. ORGANIC Chamomile Herbal Tisane 1/4 lb. ORGANIC Chunmee Green Tea1/4 lb. ORGANIC Earl Grey, Scented w/Oil of Bergamont 1/4 lb. ORGANIC English Breakfast Blend1/4 lb. ORGANIC Genmai Cha, Green Tea1/4 lb. ORGANIC Gunpowder, Temple of Heaven, Green Tea 1/4 lb. ORGANIC Moroccan Mint (Gunpowder & Peppermint Blend) 16 oz COSTA RICAN, SHB, Dark French Roast16 oz DECAF BLACK VELVET BLEND, Swiss Water & KVW Process16 oz TANZANIA16 oz. Colombian Supremo - green beans16 oz. Costa Rican green beans16 oz. COSTA RICAN, SHB Dark French Roast16 oz. DECAF COLOMBIAN, Dark French Roast, Swiss Water Process16 oz. DECAF COSTA RICAN, Light French, KVW Decaf Process16 oz. DECAF ESPRESSO BLEND, Italian Roast, KVW Decaf Process16 oz. DECAF PALO ALTO BLEND16 oz. ESPRESSO BLEND, Italian Roast16 oz. Estate Java green beans16 oz. ETHIOPIAN YRGACHEFFE Light French Roast16 oz. European Chocolate16 oz. GUATEMALAN Light French16 oz. IRISH COFFEE BLEND16 oz. REDWOOD ESTATES BLEND16oz "LA MINITA" COSTA RICAN - Light French Roast16oz COSTA RICAN, SHB Light French Roast16oz BLACK VELVET BLEND - Espresso & Dark French16oz COLOMBIAN SUPREMO Dark French Roast16oz COLOMBIAN SUPREMO Full City Roast16oz JAVA ESTATE Full City Roast 16oz VIENNESE BLEND - 2/3 Colombian Full City & 1/3 Dark French16oz. Ethiopian Harrar, Full City Roast16oz. Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Light French Roast16oz. FIFTY-FIFTY BLEND16oz. MOCHA-JAVA BLEND - 50% Ethiopian Harrar 50% Java Estate16oz. STANFORD BLEND - 1/2 Sumatra Light, 1/2 Espresso16oz. SUMATRA MANDEHLING Light French Roast 16oz.SUMATRA MANDHELING Italian Roast AFRICAN VARIETALSAvailable Dec. 1st. - "Creme de la Creme Trio" 3lb. Gift Bag or Gift BoxCafe Express CardsCafe Gift Cards SPECIAL 15% OFFCELBESE KALOSSI, Full City RoastCompany HistoryDECAF HOUSE BLENDDECAF MOCHA JAVA BLENDDecaf SumatraDECAFFEINATED COFFEES & BLENDSEUROPEAN CHOCOLATE Fine Loose Leaf TeasFine Loose Leaf TeasFood & Bev MenuFood & Beverage offeringsFood & Beverage OfferingsFood & Beverages MenuGIFT CARDS & Gift PACKAGESGREEN BEAN Colombian SupremoGREEN BEANSJAVA ESTATE, Full City RoastKenya Peaberry LOOSE LEAF TEAS & HERBAL TISANESLos Gatos Coffee Roasting CompanyLos Gatos Coffee Roasting CompanyNEW ORLEANS "French Quarter Blend" w/Chicory -Out of StockNo NameNo NameNo NameOUT OF STOCK 1/4 lb. Dragon Phoenix Pearl, Jasmine Scented Green TeaOUT OF STOCK - 16 oz. ZIMBZBWE AA Light French RoastOUT of STOCK - TANZANIA PEABERRY, Light French RoastOUT OF STOCK 16 oz. YEMEN MOCHA Light French RoastPACIFIC ISLAND VARIETALSPeruvian, Light French RoastRoaster's Coffee Trio Delux" 3lb. gift packageSIGNATURE BLENDSSOLD OUT - Christmas Blend 2024Temp OUT of Stock - BRAZIL, Espirito Santo, Light French Roast FAIR TRADE CertifiedTEMP Out of Stock - JAMAICAN BLUE MOUNTAIN, Wallenford EstateTEMP OUT OF STOCK 8 oz. Chocolate Covered Espresso BeansZimbabwe Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company